Many moons ago, when I first started eBay-ing, I realized I was sitting on a potential gold-mine: I had boxes (and boxes) of stuff my kids had outgrown stored in the garage. I promised the hubba-bubba that giving up valuable real estate in his garage wouldn't all be for naught. It was spring and the weather outside was beautiful so the garage wasn't unbearably hot yet. Everything was sorted into the appropriate boxes and labeled. I thought "How hard can this be?" Just a wash, dry, press and picture and we're in business. Au contraire, mon amie. Thank goodness the man loves me enough not to point out that those boxes were still there 6 months later when he was looking for the snow shovel.
Along the way I've gotten smarter when bidding on things on eBay. You learn to read between the lines and ask questions and NEVER assume anything about an item. There are 2 things I did win that I let get away because I didn't have the vision to realize what I had.
One was a short satin red trench coat. Not burgundy, nor maroon, but RED, the color of tomatoes fresh out of the garden. It was "Look at me" red. This trench would have been perfect for a night out to someplace fancy, or a wedding. I just never got up the nerve to wear it
The other was a purple wool pea coat that was too big for me. Here is where the lack of vision comes in...just a little tailoring and it would have been a very snappy piece to add to my wardrobe. Sadly, both went to the thrift store.
I finally made it to the selling phase of eBay-ing. Everthing that I've bought in the last month or so that didn't suit me has been sold. I'm not making any money on the items - just making back the money I spent...mostly. It's better than sending them to the thrift store.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I've got a Yahoo email address and every time I type it out, I sing "Yahooooo-oooo". Silly? Oh, you bet! But it makes me smile every time.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Back in the Saddle Again!

Evidently the weight I put on after I quit smoking (a year this May) has made a significant change in my pattern size. And not in a good way either. Assuming I know what pattern size to use without measuring and confirming it is going to be a hard habit to break.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Frozen, Jammed, Wedged...Stuck
I'm stuck...I'm nearly done with a dress but can't quite close the deal. Turns out I lengthened it too much in the torso and I chose a size too big for my shoulders. Which is truly surprising because nothing is ever too large in the shoulders for me. The second half of the problem is I'm not sure I like it. I know, and the sad thing is it's not the first time.
In order to fix the shoulders on the darn thing I need a dress form, one of which I don't have and don't wish to spend $100 or more for. I've seen instructions for duct tape forms on the net...I wonder, do they really work out? The problem with too much length was an easy fix. There are 6 folds/gathers on each side of the dress and 13 in the back, I just ripped out 2 inches of stitches and voila! Length problem solved. I had to close up the arm openings about an inch so the old boulder-holder doesn't show.
And then there's the buttonholes...all 10 of them. I dread the buttonholes. Half of them will turn out great, picture worthy, and the other half? Well, the other half will be ugly. Needless to say, these will be the ones that I'll focus on and pick at. Threads, the May 2008 issue has a few tips that give me renewed hopes of learning to make decent buttonholes. It's always been hit or miss for me, maybe someday I'll figure out the variable and make it a constant.
In order to fix the shoulders on the darn thing I need a dress form, one of which I don't have and don't wish to spend $100 or more for. I've seen instructions for duct tape forms on the net...I wonder, do they really work out? The problem with too much length was an easy fix. There are 6 folds/gathers on each side of the dress and 13 in the back, I just ripped out 2 inches of stitches and voila! Length problem solved. I had to close up the arm openings about an inch so the old boulder-holder doesn't show.
And then there's the buttonholes...all 10 of them. I dread the buttonholes. Half of them will turn out great, picture worthy, and the other half? Well, the other half will be ugly. Needless to say, these will be the ones that I'll focus on and pick at. Threads, the May 2008 issue has a few tips that give me renewed hopes of learning to make decent buttonholes. It's always been hit or miss for me, maybe someday I'll figure out the variable and make it a constant.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Cave Dweller
I leave my studio (really my eldest child's converted bedroom) in search of sustenance and realize I have a fresh pot of coffee I completely forgot about. Bonus! That first cup, out of a fresh pot, is unbeatable.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Skirting the Issue

Zippity-do-da it was a good day! Remember the greenish cotton fabric I got the other day? Used it and the 2 small pieces as well. What do you think? I'm going to wear it to work tomorrow with boots and a sweater. Maybe my boy-brat can get a photo of me in it.
Second photo is detail of yoke. I'd never tried that before and didn't take into account that it makes the piece a bit smaller. Thank goodness the skirt still fits - it just doesn't have any wiggle room. I'm thinking about adding a large appliqued, raggedy flower in burgandy...or maybe just some ribbon.