1. Where and when were you born?
1964, Brooklyn, New York
2. Do you have siblings? If yes, tell us more.
There are 6 of us. I'm the eldest, then
Rasputin (Florida),
Carmella (Georgia),
Artagnan M. (California),
Klaus and
Dash (both in NY). No, those are not their real names. Using real names would require their permission and getting in touch with all of them with any kind of speed has always been challenging at best. Additionally, I'd have to tell them about the blog....not yet.
3. What are your parents’ names?
Artagnan J. &
Josephine (what do you think? Real or Faux?). Parents of 6, grandparents of 7.
4. Did you (or do you) know all four of your grandparents?
I was lucky
enough to know all 4 of them and to have many wonderful memories as well. I'm not a baseball fan but every spring I'll put a game on the
TV, open the windows and instantly be transported back to my grandparents home when I was a child....when life was easier...slower...simpler. Grandpa loved baseball.
I feel bad for Klaus and Dash, they're many years younger than the first 4 of us and have few to no memories of my mom's parents. They did know Grandpa Buster. A kind, gentle, loving, intelligent, devoted man was my Grandpa Buster. He called me Allie. My children remember him as well, the only "Great Grand" they knew.
5. Do you have children? If yes, tell us about them. If no, do you want them?
I have two great kids. My daughter,
Noodles, is 21, in the Air Force and
currently living in Ohio soon to be in Vegas. My son,
Toodles, is 20, going to college, and playing junior hockey. Being only 18 months apart they've always been close to each other. I am blessed.
6. Do you still live in the general area that you grew up in?
No, I've lived in many different places since leaving home. South Carolina; Texas; Colorado; Germany; Texas (again); North Carolina; and currently Virginia.
8. How often does your family all get together? Is your significant other close to your family?
It's been many years, 11 I think, since all of my siblings have been in the same room, at the same time. Grandpa Buster's funeral and the bar afterwards. My Hubba-Bubba loves my family and they love him. He really is a great guy. Again, I am blessed.